復活節,是世界各地的基督徒紀念基督的死和復活的日子。在所謂的“聖週”期間,會舉行各樣的儀式,慶典和禮拜。有些基督教會甚至還有尋找復活節彩蛋活動,復活節的演出活動,宣稱這是毫無害處的傳統,只是爲了讓成人和孩子們有樂趣。照慣例,這些是“爲耶稣”做的。 這和很多其它“基督教”的傳統一樣,比如聖誕節,基督徒不要無知忽視這些節日的起源而只簡單地宣稱這是“有趣的”和“無害的”。我們必須認識,不是每一件奉著主名做的事,都會被主接受。 馬太福音7章21-23節:“凡 稱 呼 我 主 啊 , 主 啊 的 人, 不 能 都 進 天 國 ; 惟 獨 遵 行 我 天 父 旨 意 的 人, 才 能 進 去 。當 那 日, 必 有 許 多 人 對 我 說 : ‘主 啊, 主 啊 , 我 們 不 是 奉 你 的 名 傳 道 , 奉 你 的 名 趕 鬼 , 奉 你 的 名 行 許 多 異 能 麽 ?’我 就 明 明 的 告 訴 他 們 說 :‘ 我 從 來 不 認 識 你 們 ,…
Author: mo
Coming Forward into the Most Holy Placeand Perfecting Holiness“… just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love” (Ephesians 1:4).Conference Outline: English | Chinese | German | FrenchSome illustrations of the tabernacle and the ark of the testimony: DownloadMessage 1 – Introduction: English | Chinese | German | FrenchMessage 2 – The Path of Holiness: English | Chinese | German | FrenchMessage 3 – The Holy Nature of God’s Dwelling Place: English | Chinese | German | FrenchMessage 4 – The Service of the Golden Incense Altar: English | Chinese | GermanMessage 5 – The Day of Atonement: English | Chinese | German | FrenchMessage 6 – The Mercy Seat: English | Chinese | German | FrenchMessage 7 – The Tablets of Testimony: English | Chinese | German | FrenchMessage 8 – The Budding Rod of Aaron: English | Chinese | German | FrenchMessage 9 – The Hidden Manna: English | Chinese | German | FrenchMessage 10 – The History of the Ark: English | Chinese | German | FrenchMessage…
Sanctification of the Spiritual House and the Holy Priesthood“Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”(1 Thess. 5:23)Tabernacle Images – Click HEREMsg 1 – Introduction – YouTube – | English | Chinese | GermanMsg 2 – Entrance and Materials of the Outer Court – YouTube – | English | Chinese | GermanMsg 3 – Burnt Offering Altar and Bronze Laver – YouTube – | English | Chinese | GermanMsg 4 – Materials for the Holy Place – YouTube – | English | Chinese | GermanMsg 5 – Enclosure of the Holy Place – YouTube – | English | Chinese | GermanMsg 6 – Showbread and Table – YouTube – | English | Chinese | GermanMsg 7 – Golden Lampstand – YouTube – | English | Chinese | GermanMsg 8 – Golden Incense Altar – YouTube – | English | Chinese | GermanMsg 9 – Entering into Holy of Holies – YouTube – | English | Chinese | GermanAdditional Word – YouTube – | English
Our God is a righteous God who hates lawlessness. As Christ’s return is getting closer, He foretold of an increase of lawlessness in the world. Indeed, in recent events, we see that evil and lawlessness is on the rise with governments and news media complicit in it. Let us not be deceived and see what’s truly happening. The world is being set up for the reign of the antichrist and these are warnings to us Christians to get ready for Christ’s return.
No man can fix these problems, only Jesus Christ when He returns to rule in His Kingdom of Righteousness.
“Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your Kingdom. You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness’…” – Hebrews 1:8-9These verses in a few words tell us a lot something very important about God and His Kingdom. He is a God who loves righteousness and hates lawlessness. His Kingdom is a kingdom of righteousness. The world we live in is full of unrighteousness and lawlessness and it’s getting worse as we get closer to the return of Jesus Christ.But what does the word “righteousness” mean?To put it simply, righteousness is to be…
A Physical Book with Spiritual WordsThe Bible is not like any other book on this earth. It is a book that’s made up of 66 books that are God’s words to us. People who were chosen by God, wrote the text as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit. Writers ranged from prophets, to kings, from fishermen, to governors. They lived in different times and different places across a span of about 1,500 years. They did not collaborate together about the message yet the message of the Bible contains a consistent common thread.The Bible is God’s message to us and…
和大多数基督徒一样,当我决定信耶稣基督的时候,我所接受的教导是:凭着信,我将会永远和基督一起在天堂,我已从永远在地狱里得救。这也是基督徒向非信徒们宣讲的, 要祂们选择:天堂还是地狱?
和大多數基督徒一樣,當我決定信耶稣基督的時候,我所接受的教導是:憑著信,我將會永遠和基督一起在天堂,我已從永遠在地獄裏得救。這也是基督徒向非信徒們宣講的, 要他們選擇:天堂還是地獄?