The World Corrupted by Sin
As soon as you read the news, or have any interaction with the world, you start to see how corrupt and evil the world is. The Bible explains that Satan is the ruler of this world (John 12:31) and that the whole world is under Satan’s influence (1 John 5:19): Politics, entertainment, commerce, educational institutions, the media, religion, and many other things.
The earth was originally created to be a place where God and man would rule over His creation and where God would have His full authority and glory. (Gen 1:26-28).
Sadly, because of Adam and Eve’s disobedience, sin entered the human race and man, who was to be the expression of God’s glory on earth, was corrupted with sin and death. All creation was put under a bondage of corruption (Rom 8:21).
God’s Solution: JESUS CHRIST
God did not give up! Adam failed but JESUS CHRIST as the LAST ADAM (1 Cor 15:45) succeeded! Jesus became the start of a NEW CREATION to replace the current old failed creation (2 Cor 5:17).
The Body of Christ Belongs to the New Creation
Today, in the midst of this fallen world, God started a renewal work. The new creation in Jesus Christ began when He rose from the grave 2,000 years ago (Col 1:18) and anyone who believes in Jesus Christ and has received His life, is part of this new creation! (2 Cor 5:17) These are members of the body of Christ which consist of all true believers and followers of Jesus Christ who are born again!
Since we are the body of Christ, the beginning of the new creation, the recovery of the earth (Rom 8:19-22), the CHURCH (Col 1:18), we must realize that we Christians must be separated from the world although we live in it. The Church, which is His body must represent the Glory, wisdom, majesty, authority, holiness, and purity of God’s nature and kingdom on this earth. If not, then what else will?
The Church: Representing God’s Kingdom on Earth Today
Where can people go today to find evidence of this holy kingdom and see it’s glory? If not the church then where?Certainly there are many good Christians who are very devoted in their walk and greatly love our Lord, but it’s God’s intention that the CHURCH, not just individuals, manifest His glory. As Ephesians 3:10 says, the intent is that the manifold wisdom of God should be made known BY THE CHURCH to the principalities and powers.
Today’s Church: A Sad Condition
The Church today has degenerated to become merely a Sunday service, a man’s organization, a fellowship group, a charity. Man has replaced Christ as the head. According to the Word, it is the very COUNTERPART of Christ in holiness, majesty, and glory! (Eph 5:25-32). The Church is “bone of His bones, flesh of His flesh”. The church as the bride of Christ is to be pure and consist of nothing but the life, the Spirit, and nature of her Husband, Christ! Christ Himself declared that He will build His Church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it! (Matt 16:18).
Shouldn’t something Christ builds be PERFECT? How can we accept the current condition of Christianity with all its mixture with the practices and pleasures of the world, entertainment, corruption, love of money, dead religious practices, superstitions, empty traditions, revering of man, and many other abominations? If we see how Jesus was so consumed with zeal for the house of God (John 2:17), how can we allow the Church, which is the house of God (1 Tim 3:15) to become this way?
This massive blindness and mixture with the world was already predicted in Rev 17 where it’s referred to as the Great Harlot or Babylon. In Rev 18, God calls His people out of her!
What Do We Do?
You may ask, what can I do about this? To truly understand, you must pray and ask our Lord if all this is true. Ask Him to show you how much He desires a glorious Church and what to do about it. Don’t take our word for it! For something this important, He will certainly open your eyes. Ephesians 5:32 calls this a “great mystery” and this is particularly true in this age of darkness but God can give us a “spirit of wisdom and revelation” (Eph 1:17).
Today, God needs people who see the need to manifest the true testimony of the Church together, who are willing to leave behind all the divisions and denominations, the mess and mixture of religion, and work together to function and live as the true biblical Church with Christ only as its head.
Our God needs all of His people to stand fast for the Kingdom of God on the earth — the Church!