In the first meeting we look at how God has an overall plan which is to establish His kingdom of righteousness over the whole earth. The kingdom is made up of a holy people, created in His image, filled with His Spirit, ruling over His creation. Man fell to Satan’s deceptions and sin entered the human race, but God has prepared a way for mankind to be recovered back to His original plan. Through Christ, man is restored and is able to stand against Satan’s kingdom, and as the Church, represent and manifest God’s Kingdom on this earth.
In the second meeting we look at how there are two kingdoms on this earth: God’s Kingdom (represented by the Church) and Satan’s Kingdom (represented by the World). This fact is lost on many believers who think “church” is just a place of gathering on Sunday or a charitable organization. Many don’t realize this extreme significance and responsibility the Church has as the only bulwark against Satan’s Kingdom. It’s God’s only designated light in this world of darkness. Satan knows this so he’s caused the church to be severely degraded and corrupted with many believers unaware of their true calling. This has become the norm, and those who pursue the truth are called a “cult” or “sect”. As we see in the Word of God, there is only ONE TRUTH and we don’t get to choose our version of the truth or our preference. In the same way, this idea of “church shopping” should not exist either if there is only one Kingdom, there is really just one Church.
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