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人们在每年的十月三十一日庆祝万圣节。参加的活动有: 不招待就使坏(不給糖就捣蛋),雕刻杰克灯,穿戴万圣节服饰,用骷髅,女巫,妖魔等诸如此类的东西把家和办公室装点起来。这个貌似有趣的节日难道有什么不妥吗?

人們在每年的十月三十一日慶祝萬聖節。參加的活動有: 不給糖就搗蛋,雕刻南瓜燈,穿戴萬聖節服飾,用骷髏,女巫,妖魔等諸如此類的東西把家和辦公室裝扮起來。這個看起來有趣的節日難道有什麼不妥嗎?

Our God is a righteous God who hates lawlessness. As Christ’s return is getting closer, He foretold of an increase of lawlessness in the world. Indeed, in recent events, we see that evil and lawlessness is on the rise with governments and news media complicit in it. Let us not be deceived and see what’s truly happening. The world is being set up for the reign of the antichrist and these are warnings to us Christians to get ready for Christ’s return.

No man can fix these problems, only Jesus Christ when He returns to rule in His Kingdom of Righteousness.

