The Son of God
Matt 16:16 – “Simon Peter answered and said, “Youare the Christ, the Son of the living God.”; Romans1:4 – “[Jesus Christ was] declared to be the Son of Godwith power according to the Spirit of holiness, by theresurrection from the dead.” He is called the Son ofGod because He is a man and also God. He’s second inthe Godhead and subject to God the Father. The Biblealso says He’s born of God (John 3:16), but also hasno beginning or end (Heb 7:3). He’s truly beyond theunderstanding of our limited mind!
The Last Adam
1 Cor 15:45 – “And so it is written, ‘The first man Adambecame a living being.’ The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.”
In the book of Genesis, the first man that was createdwas Adam but he sinned by disobeying God. Sin thenentered the human race and everyone who descendedfrom Adam, which includes all of us, are born with sin.When Jesus came the first time, He was called the “lastAdam“ because He’s the beginning of a new perfecthuman race that is fully in God’s image, filled with thefullness of God, and without sin. We are meant to fol-low in His line, to also be sons of God, or “descended”from Him, leaving the old line of Adam behind. This iswhy we need baptism, which is to be born again withthe new perfect life of Christ, and to bury the old Adamin the grave.
His Coming Was Foretold
Jesus Christ’s coming was foretold hundreds and eventhousands of years before His birth. The Bible de-tails the location of His birth (Micah 5:2), who Hisforefathers would be (2 Sam 7:12-16; Is 11:1,10; Ps132:17), His virgin birth (Is 7:14), how He would live (Is52:13-53:12; Is 61:1-2), how He would die (Ps 22:1-31;Zechariah 12:10), and His resurrection (Ps 16:8-11).There isn’t anyone in the world who has such an exactdescription made about him BEFORE His birth. Doyou know anyone like this?
Did anyone predict that you would be born and raisedhere in Toronto? This shows us that Jesus is no ordinaryperson. We’re not the anointed ones of God like Jesusis or the saviour of the world.
Although God, He Lowered Himself to be a Servant
Jesus was an actual man who walked on this earthabout 2,000 years ago. Although He was God, He low-ered Himself to become a servant (Phil 2:5-11).
“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Je-sus, who, being in the form of God, did not considerit robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself ofno reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, andcoming in the likeness of men. And being found in ap-pearance as a man, He humbled Himself and becameobedient to the point of death, even the death of thecross. Therefore God also has highly exalted Him andgiven Him the name which is above every name, thatat the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those inheaven, and of those on earth, and of those under theearth, and that every tongue should confess that JesusChrist is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
Jesus is God in the Flesh
Some people say we Christians worship three gods.That’s absolutely not true and shows they don’t un-derstand how God can be three persons and also one.It’s beyond our comprehension. But Philippians 2:5-11 speaks about how Christ lowered Himself from Hisposition as equal to God to become a slave to servemankind. Verse 6 says He was in the form of God anddid not consider it robbery to be equal with God, soHe was, in fact, equal with God. Verse 7 says He madeHimself of no reputation and He lowered Himself taking the form of a bondservant and coming in the like-ness of man which means He came and lived as a reg-ular human being bound by time and space and all thelimitations that come with being a human. This is whywhen He lived on the earth He never called Himselfthe Son of God. He always referred to Himself as theSon of Man because He was just a regular person andit’s amazing that He would come down from His gloryto serve the people and eventually sacrifice His life for us.
A Perfect Man Who Sacrificed Himself for Us
Christ lived a sinless life, and nobody was able to findfault in Him. This is what qualified Him to pay ourdebt of sin. If Christ had sin then He would not havebeen able to pay our debt because He would have topay His own debt. Romans 6:23 tells us the wages, orpenalty, of sin is death. Therefore, because He had nosin, He could be our substitute and pay our penalty bysacrificing His own life so that we would not have todie for our own sins.
Crucified on a Cross
His death was no ordinary death. He didn’t die by anaccident or by a disease. He was crucified by nailingon a cross. What kind of person was crucified in thosetimes? This was a method of executing convicted crim-inals in the Roman times. He was falsely accused bythe Jews and religious leaders who were envious ofHim. They wanted to eliminate Him and He was crucified
as a criminal alongside criminals. Long nailswere nailed through His hands and feet and He slowlybled to death. People who were crucified were hung bytheir hands or arms and had to support their weightwith their feet otherwise they would suffocate. This is atorturous way to die. He did not deserve it but enduredit because of His love for us. He not only suffered phys-ically but the Bible tells us that He carried the weightof all the sins of this world on His shoulders. That in-cludes all of humanity’s past present and future sins.By Him bearing all of this sin and dying on the cross,all of the sin of the world was crucified. Paul says “thehandwriting of requirements that was against us” was“wiped out” and “He has taken it out of the way, havingnailed it to the cross” (Col 2:14).
Although His death on the cross was shameful in theeyes of the world and even to Jews, it was a glory andvictory for God because it put Satan to shame (Col2:15)!
Resurrected from the Dead
On the third day after His death, He resurrected be-cause the power of death was not strong enough todefeat Him. After His resurrection, He ascended to thethrone of God. Through His sacrifice for sin, He recon-ciled humanity to God because the sin in us separatedus from God. Jesus Christ paid the penalty of sin sothat our relationship with God could be restored.
King of Kings, Lord of Lords
Today, seated on the throne, He’s the King of Kings andthe Lord of Lords! He is no longer a poor servant as Hewas 2,000 years ago but He’s the King! He’s the King wemust obey and honor in our life every day. Sadly, manypeople still only know Him as a servant and treat Himlike one, asking Him for things; we must see Him inHis glory!
There’s so much that can be said about Him that theapostle John said in John 21:25 that all the books inthe world cannot contain everything to know aboutHim! There’s so much more for usto know and experience about Jesus Christ and thiscomes through walking with Him and living in Himevery day.
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