Oct 6, 2019 The Church is the house of the living God and is the pillar and base of the truth. We are the household or family of God. We are the church, and wherever we are is the Church. It is not a place or a building that we enter. [powerpress]
Author: mo
Oct 5, 2019 The Church belongs to the heavenly realm and is not an earthly or worldly creation. It as a heavenly Man, Christ, as it’s Head, the Holy Spirit as it’s life, and heavenly people, Christians as its building stones. However, this is not enough, but the Church’s role is to manifest the glory, authority, and characteristics of the heavenly Kingdom of God on this earth. That means, even though it is in the world, it cannot be mixed with the world. Unfortunately, many people have lost sight of this. [powerpress]
Oct 4, 2019 The Church belongs to the heavenly realm and is not an earthly or worldly creation. It as a heavenly Man, Christ, as it’s Head, the Holy Spirit as it’s life, and heavenly people, Christians as its building stones. However, this is not enough, but the Church’s role is to manifest the glory, authority, and characteristics of the heavenly Kingdom of God on this earth. That means, even though it is in the world, it cannot be mixed with the world. Unfortunately, many people have lost sight of this. [powerpress]